
Menampilkan postingan dengan label Blogger Tutorials

Cara Merubah Domain Menjadi

Cara Merubah Blogspot Menjadi .com - Perubahan domain .CO.ID menjadi .COM sangatlah penting karena selain terlihat keren blog kita bisa di akui di luar negeri maupun luar negeri. Langsung saja simak cara-caranya di bawah ini : Silahkan masuk ke blog Login Pilih Template Selanjutnya klik Edit HTML kemudian kopas kede berikut ini letakkan di bawah tag : <script type='text/javascript'> var str= window.location.href.toString(); if ((str.indexOf('.com/'))=='-1') { var str1=str.substring(str.lastIndexOf(".blogspot.")); if (str1.indexOf('/')=='-1') { var str2=str1; } else { var str2=str1.substring(0,str1.indexOf('/')+1); } window.location.href =window.location.href.toString().replace(str2,''); } </script> Salin di dan diletakkannya ke dalam HTML/JavaScript. Simpan Template.

Cara Memasang Widget Lagu/Music dari Soundcloud Pada Blogger

Salah satu pilihan yang tepat untuk memasang widget lagu saat ini adalah Soundcloud. Anda tinggal mengupload lagu yang ingin Anda pasang di blog lalu men-autkannya dengan blog Anda. Cara ini lebih mudah, ketimbang mengupload lagu langsung lewat blog. Sama dengan memasang video youtube ke blog, Soundcloud juga memiliki cara tersendiri. Tapi sedikit lebih mudah dan banyak pilihan. Memasang Soundcloud di blog bisa dilakukan di dalam postingan atau di sidebar blog. Semua itu tergantung dari alasan Anda memasang Soundcloud. Berikut Cara Memasang Widget Lagu/Music dari Soundcloud Pada Blogger : Langkah pertama, kunjungi situs Soundcloud dan cari lagu yang ingin Anda pasang pada blog. Langkah kedua, pilihan lagunya, klik Share yang ada tepat di bawah kolom komentar.  Jendela baru akan terbuka, klik Embed.  Saat membuka Embed, disinilah pengaturan dimulai. Secara defauld, ada dua tampilan yang diberikan. Silahkan pilih bentuk seperti apa yang diinginkan. Jika Anda pengg

Cara Menghilangkan Label "Tampilkan posting dengan label keluarga. Tampilkan semua posting" pasang css .status-msg-wrap { display: none; }

Gambar - Salah satu teknik membuat menu di Blogger adalah menggunakan Label.  Label berfungsi untuk mengelompokkan materi ke dalam kategori-kategori tertentu. Nah, kategori itu dapat kita jadikan sebagai sebuah menu dalam blog. 1. Klik nama tempalate blognya   2. Perancang Template Blogger -> Tingkat Lanjut -> Tambahkan CSS   3. Masukkan script berikut di custom CSS          .status-msg-wrap { display: none; } 4. Klik Terapkan ke Blog 5. Selesai. Link Terkait Klik Disini Untuk Baca

How Can You Know the Speed of Your Blog/Website?

the speed of blog is very important for any blogger, not only for visitors but in order to gain the trust of the search engines. Guest blog loved if they were light and fast loading, as well as search engine spiders like fast loading pages that do not consume precious time.You have to strike a balance between the content and speed of your blog to achieve a difficult equation. First click on   Blog Speed Test Tool  ,and do such as the below screen. Note: After you click on check! wait some seconds to loading the page. That is all. ;)

How to Add a Shining CSS3 Horizontal Menu For Blogger

Horizontal menu best alternative option for labels or sections. The importance of h orizontal menu  including: reducing the space occupied by the  sections/ labels and distort the appearance of blog, coordinate and beautify the style of blog. This widget is designed by CSS3 technology,  And you can add this gadget to your blog with very easy way: Adding the widget to Blogger blog: 1.  Go to  Blogger Dashboard    ?  Layout  ?  click on   "Add a gadget" . 2.   Select  "html/java script"  and add the code given below: <style type="text/css">.menu li{list-style:none;display:inline}.menu li a{-moz-transition:all 270ms ease-in-out 0s;-webkit-transition:all 310ms ease-in-out;-o-transition:all 270ms ease-in-out;background:url("

How to Add Metro Style Social Widget for Blogger

Today I will give you a very nice addition to your blog and frankly I liked this widget a lot. It is a social networking sites widget on the form of Metro as in windows 8. Adding the widget in Layout 1.  Go to  Blogger Dashboard    ?  Layout  ?  click on "Add a gadget" . 2.   Select " html/java script " and add the code given below. <div class="metro-social"> <li><a class="fb" href=" Your Facebook URL here "></a></li> <li><a class="tw" href=" Your Twitter URL here "></a></li> <li><a class="gp" href=" Your GooGle + URL here "></a></li> <li><a class="fd" href=" Your FeedBurner URL here "></a></li> </div> <style> /*Metro UI Social Profile Widget v2.0 by Tech Prevue Labs Web link to gadget code:  Distributed under license CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 INT Please keep license inform

How To Remove Blogger Attribution Gadget in Blogger Blog

Some of the templates in blogger, we find some tools that can not be deleted, and unfortunately, these tools can distort the form template.The reason is that the template designer making tool locked so as to protect it, and to unlocked it follow me: 1.  Go to  Blogger Dashboard   -->  Template 2.  Please! download  a copy of your template 3.  Now click on  Edit HTML 4.  Use  Ctrl+F  to find  Attribution 5.  We change the option ' true ' to option ' false ' ( Look the screen ) 6. To become like this  <b:widget id='Attribution1' locked=' false ' title='' type='Attribution'> 7. Finally click on Save template Now go to gadget which you want remove it.

How To Add Stylish Floating Facebook Like Box Widget In Blogger

Today we will learn how to add facebook like box to blogger blog with  a distinctive view, wonderful and attractive format, where the  facebook like box  is hidden on the right side of the screen and shows only the passage of the cursor on it. to add this widget to your blog,follow these two simple steps: STEP 1 1.   Go to  Blogger Dashboard   -->  Template 2.   Please! download  a copy of your template 3.   Now click on  Edit HTML 4.   Use  Ctrl+F  to find  </head> 5.   Then copy and paste just above/before it, this code: <script src='' type='text/javascript'/> 6. Save your template. STEP 2 1.    Now go to Layout --> click on " Add a gadget ". 2.    Select " html/java script " and add the code given below and click save.    <script type="text/javascript"> /*<![CDATA[*/ jQuery(document).ready(function() {jQuery(".abtlikebox").hover(functio

How to Add a Logo to Your Blog on Blogger

There are many simple tools that give excellence for blogs, including the design of  template and colors ... etc., today we will learn how to add a logo to your blogger blog , which is an image or text excellence your blog from the rest of other blogs, and the benefits of logo is keeping visitors to your blog and also give her aesthetic. 1.  Go to  " Blogger Dashboard "  >  " Layout "   >  " Edit " like  the following screen 2. After click on  " Edit "  will appears for you this pop up. 3.  Click on '' Choose File '' and upload your logo image from you computer or paste your image url in "From the web. Paste an image URL below" box. 4. Select ''Instead of this description" like the above screen. 5. Finally click on save button.

Free Flash Games For Your Website or Blog

HTML code contains more than 400 games, which is free to your website/blog, These games provided by . Demo To do this just follow me: - Simply copy the following code (Html) to your Homepage,Blog,EMail or Website. <iframe src="" style="border:0px #FFFFFF none;" border="0" name="FunGames Collection" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0" marginheight="0px" marginwidth="0px" height=" 700 " width=" 600 "></iframe> Note: Edit the "height=" 700 " and the "width=" 600 " parameter to fit your personal needs.

How to Add Smileys/Emoticons in Blogger Comments

The Smileys/Emoticons way to give the visitors a lot of fun and confidence to your blog,It is known that these smileys used in social websites as Facebook. Demo To do this just follow the steps: 1.  Go to Blogger Dashboard   --> Template 2.  Please! download  a copy of your template 3.  Now click on Edit HTML 4.  Use Ctrl+F  to find  </body> 5.  Then copy and paste just  above/before it, this code: <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'> <script type='text/javascript'> //<![CDATA[ jQuery(document).ready(function () {emoticonx({ emoRange:"#comments p, div.emoWrap", putEmoAbove:"iframe#comment-editor", topText:"Click to see the code!", emoMessage:"To insert emoticon you must added at least one space before the code." }) }); //]]> </script> <script src='' type='text/javascript'/> </b:if> Note:  You can change

How to Add Comment Box Below Your Posts in Blogger

Many bloggers and maybe you were looking at a way to add the comments box below your posts in Blogger, so I say to you in this tutorial we will learn create that through the very easy steps: 1.  Go to  Blogger Dashboard  >  Template. 2.  Go to " Setting "  >  " Posts and comments "  > we choose  " Embed d ed " from comment loc a tion   , then click on  " Save settings ". That's all, Thanks for the follow-up.

How to Show Post Title Only on Home Page in Blogger

I will explain to you in this tutorial how to show post title only in the Home page in your blogger blog. this a simple code works on show titles only and is not a title and post together, where the title appears on the home page of the blog just by clicking on it redirects to the main post, and to be able to install this code in your blog, follow these simple steps: 1. Login to your  Blogger Dashboard  >  Template 2.  Download  a copy of your template 3.  Now click on  Edit HTML 4.  Use  Ctrl +  F  to find  </head>  and paste the following code above/before it. <style type='text/css'> <b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'> .post { margin:.5em 0 1.5em; border-bottom:0px dotted $bordercolor; padding-bottom:1.0em; height:50px; } .post h3 { margin:.25em 0 0; padding:0 0 4px; font-size:20px; font-family:Tahoma,Georgia,Century gothic,Arial,sans-serif; font-weight:normal; line-height:1.4em; color:#cc6600; } .post h3 a, .post h3 a:visited, .

How to Delete Blog on Blogger

Our lesson today is how to delete a blog in a way that is very easy, just follow these very simple steps: 1.  Go to  Blogger Dashboard  >  Template. 2.  Go to " Setting "  >  " Other "  , then click on  " Delete blog " 3. C lick on  " Delete This Blog " That's all, Thanks for the follow-up.

How to Disable Copying Text From Your Blog?

Exclusive content is usually under the eyes of thieves, who steal these posts and articles without permission or even the source said, so I've written this post to stop this process. 1.  Go to  Blogger Dashboard  >  Template 2.  Download  a copy of your template 3.  Now click on  Edit HTML 4.  Use  Ctrl +  F  to find  <head>  and paste the following code after it. <!--- Disable Copy and Paste--> <script language='JavaScript1.2'> function disableselect(e){ return false } function reEnable(){ return true } document.onselectstart=new Function (&quot;return false&quot;) if (window.sidebar){ document.onmousedown=disableselect document.onclick=reEnable } </script> 5.  Save template. That is it!!

How Do You Know the Price of Your Website or Blog?

Did you search about the price of your website or blog?, If you do not ; today you will try that,  offers you this service for free, And You can knowing the level of your site if you are thinking of selling in the future. The Website: How do I use the site? After entering the site, follow the image... Facebook is valued at  $44,281,127,214   :O Google  is valued at  $43,672,791,316 *.* Now, tell me about value your site!