Pengertian Prestashop

PrestaShop adalah aplikasi web open-source yang digunakan untuk membangun toko online. PrestaShop dapat didownload secara gratis dan tidak dikenakan biaya apapun. Anda dapat download PrestaShop di

Fitur Web

  • Special deals (price reductions, gift vouchers)
  • Featured products on homepage
  • Top sellers on homepage
  • New items on homepage
  • ‘Free shipping’ offers
  • Cross-selling (Accessories)
  • Product image zoom
  • Order out-of-stock items
  • Customer subscription & user accounts
  • Unlimited payment methods
  • Payment by bank wire
  • Googleâ„¢ Checkout module
  • Cash-On-Delivery (COD)
  • Preconfigured for Paypalâ„¢
  • Multiple-recipient contact form
  • Product tagging & tag cloud
  • Search
  • Merchandise return (RMAs) & credit slips
  • Package tracking
  • Offer gift-wrapping & recycled packaging
  • PDF customer invoice
  • Shopping Cart recall
  • Sale of services & virtual goods
  • Custom Favicon
  • RSS feed
  • Newsletter opt-in
  • ‘Pick up in-store’ option
  • Customized product (text and images)
  • Wishlist
  • Loyal customer program
  • Affiliate program
  • Sponsor-a-friend benefit program
  • Customer product reviews

Fitur Admin

  • Unlimited categories & subcategories
  • Full-featured WYSIWYG text editor
  • Unlimited product attribute combinations
  • Unlimited product specs
  • Unlimited images with automatic resizing & file optimization
  • Unlimited currencies
  • Unlimited tax settings
  • Unlimited carriers & destinations
  • Tax by state, country, both, zones, or no taxes
  • Digressive pricing (Quantity discounts)
  • Real-time currency exchange rates
  • Inventory management
  • SMS/Text-message alerts
  • Add/delete function modules
  • Bar codes
  • Contextual help
  • Attribute Combo Generator
  • Delivery status notification e-mails (customizable)
  • Unlimited languages & dialects
  • Import/export language translations
  • 13 default language translations
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Friendly URLs / Permalinks
  • 100% modifiable graphic themes
  • Back Office users & permissions (ACL )
  • Maintenance Mode
  • Minimum order amount
  • Newsletter contact export
  • Alias search
  • Bulk lister/import .CSV files
  • SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption
  • Visitors online
  • Content Management System (CMS)
  • Reports
  • Customer groups

System Requirements

  • Linux, Unix, or Windows
  • Web Server (Apache 1.3 or later, IIS 6 or later)
  • PHP 5.0* or later
  • MySQL 5** or later


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