
Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2012

Difference between trustStore and keyStore in Java - SSL

trustStore vs keyStore in Java trustStore and keyStore are used in context of setting up SSL connection in Java application between client and server. TrustStore and keyStore are very much similar in terms of construct and structure as both are managed by keytoolcommand and represented by KeyStore programatically but they often confused Java programmer both beginners and intermediate alike. Only difference between trustStore and keyStore is what they store and there purpose. In SSL handshake purpose of trustStore is to verify credentials and purpose of keyStore is to provide credential . keyStore in Java stores private key and certificates corresponding to there public keys and require if you are SSL Server or SSL requires client authentication. TrustStore stores certificates from third party, your Java application communicate or certificates signed by CA(certificate authorities like Verisign , Thawte , Geotrust or GoDaddy ) which can be used to identify third party. This is secon...

The Gamer's Brain


Add Twitter Fan Box For Blogger

Now we will learn how to put to the Twitter fan box on your blog in a way that is very easy and simple. 1.  Login to your  blogger dashboard -->   Layout --> 'Add A Gadget' 2.  Choose  Html/Javascript  Gadget and paste the following code into the area provided : <!-- Twitter Follower Box --> <script type='text/javascript'> function fanbox_init(screen_name){document.getElementById('twitterfanbox').innerHTML='\<iframe name=\"fbfanIFrame_0\" frameborder=\"0\" allowtransparency=\"true\" src=\"'+screen_name+'\" class=\"FB_SERVER_IFRAME\" scrolling=\"no\" style=\"width: 295px; height: 250px; border-top-style: none; border-right-style: none; border-bottom-style: none; border-left-style: none; border-width: initial; border-color: initial; \"\>\<\/iframe\>';} </script> <div id="twitterfa...

Contoh Penggunaan Fungsi SUMIF pada Excel

Fungsi SUMIF ini digunakan untuk menjumlahkan data berdasarkan syarat atau kriteria tertentu, hasil penjumlahan yang akan terjadi berdasarkan syarat yang ditetapkan terlebih dahulu. Untuk lebih jelasnya ikuti langkah-langkah berikut ini: Buatlah tabel seperti pada gambar berikut: Untuk mengetahui perbandingan antara Penjualan Team 1 dan Team 2, maka dibawah tabel terdapat Jumlah Penjualan

Codename Beberapa Perangkat Android

Mungkin sebagian ingin tahu nama lain (a.k.a) dari hh nya masing-masing kebetulan nemu sedikit nih..    X10 == Rachel / es209ra X8 == Shakira X10 Mini == Robyn X10 Mini Pro == Mimmi Active == Satsuma Arc == Anzu Arc S == Ayame Mini == Smultron Mini Pro == Mango Neo == Hallon Neo V == Haida PLAY == (GSM) zeus / (CDMA) zeusc Pro == Iyokan Ray == Urushi Live With Walkman == Coconut Xperia S == Nozomi Xperia P == Nyphon Xperia U == Kumquat Xperia T == Mint Acro HD == Hikari Arco S == Go == Lotus/advance Ion == Aoba Miro == Mesona Neo L == Neo S == Hjortron Sola == Blackstone Tipo == Tapioca_ss Tipo Dual == Tapioca_ds Xperia GX == Hayabusa Xperia SX == Komachi Galaxy Mini == Tass Galaxy Mini 2 == Jena Galaxy Fit == Beni Galaxy Gio == Gio Galaxy Ace == Cooper Galaxy Young == TTotoro Galaxy Nexus S == Crespo Galaxy Wonder == Ancora Galaxy S Advance == Janice Galaxy i551 == Calisto desire == bravo desire.z == vision desire hd == ace desire s == saga wildfire == buzz wildfire S == ma...

Aplikasi System Android yang Aman di Hapus (Uninstall)

ini diperuntukkan bagi pengguna Xperia, tapi tidak menutup kemungkinan pada brand lain jg sama.. buat user yg sudah ROOTED mungkin ada baiknya ng'hapus sbagian aplikasi bawaan/system, karna beberapa aplikasi tsb rata" membuat batre hh kita boros.... nah dsini ada daftar bberapa aplikasi system yg aman kalo di hapus (uninstall) menurut pengalaman ane sendiri dan baca" di forum juga ng'hapus nya seperti biasa pake Titanium Backup Anonymous Usage Stats (ane ga butuh ngirim detail  hh ke server) Chinese Keyboard (ga ngerti b.china ngapain pake ini) Crash Monitor (hh baek" aja kalo ini d hapus ga bikin crash) Data Monitor (penting, ga penting, kalo ane pake app 3rd party buat cek pemakaian data) Device Monitor (hh lancar tanpa ada ini) Email (ane pake 3rd party lagi buat yg satu ni, donlot Enhanced Email lebih nyaman) Friends games & application (ga penting amat nih....) Friends music & videos (sama ga penting juga...) FUN & downloads (lagi-lagi ga pe...

6 Ways to Increase the Number of Visitors to Your Site

Today we'll talk about some ways to bring visitors to your blog or website, as there are lots and lots of wonderful ways, to consider that you have a beautiful site and content, and you now need to visitors may be difficult, especially for beginners. The Visitor is the basis of the success or failure of any site. So how do you'll get visitors to your website or blog? There are a variety of ways, including free and paid, in these ways you can get all kinds of visitors. But the best of the visitors are targeted visitors, they walk in your conviction, hoping to find the information they are looking for. And we will mention 6 ways to increase the number of visitors: 1 - Search Engines Search engines can offer you a huge number of visits to your site, "Spider" can you feeling in the driven daily on the Internet, so it's good investment this feature to your advantage, and by improving the SEO of your website, which gives you a great opportunity to occupies rank high ...

Importance of Temperature in Unconventional Plays

It has been observed that some of the best liquid producing areas in the Niobrara shale are associated with thermal anomalies, in both the Power River and DJ basins, the Wattenberg field, for example. Here I would like to propose a few possible reasons behind this observation. Some may be well known but some may have not been so obvious, The thermal maturity of the Niobrara is relatively low, and areas with higher geothermal gradient would have relatively higher maturity. Higher maturity provides better oil with lower viscosity that makes it easier to flow. Higher maturity also means higher GOR that helps with pressure, ie. better drive and production rate. Higher maturity increases the intra-kerogen porosity generated in the late maturity stage to help retain more oil. ... ...  Higher present day reservoir temperature also means lower viscosity - if you ever bought motor oil for your car - you understand that. Viscosity is really important in an unconventional play ...

How To Mastering Speaking English ??

  Don't nervous, shy, or feel bad, but you must feel strong and relax when speaking english Don't forced speaking and memorizing vocabulary lists ! Easy input, such as easy listening and easy reading : Focus on a lot of easy listening Repeat any english audio for 20-50 times Choose interesting and fun audio, don't difficult english Don't speak english so much for 6 months, for the next 6 months just focusing to listen (like baby have the silent period to learn speaking perfectly)

Add the Meta Tags For Your Blog

Today we'll talk about something very important which is archived blog on search engines and that may be unknown to many.As I promised in my blog I will reveal to you the secrets of dealing with the search engines to see your blog light and bigger. First, we will describe the Meta Tags and some things related to fully understand. What is Meta Tags? Meta Tags is code placed inside your blog's HTML. Why should I put it in my blog? Meta Tags is considered as an identification card for your blog (imagine you do not have papers to prove your character, now unknown nobody knows you or recognizes you) so the search engines can get to know you better and properly archived your blog. Meta Tags contain mostly on the blog name, description and keywords. How to put meta tag  on  your blog? To develop a code followed explanation photographer 1- 2- 3- 4- After we work to expand widget template, Look for the following code through the search feature Clrt + F <head> ...

Rossa � Bila Salah

INTRO:  Em  Am  Bm  B7  Em  Am  B    Em  Am  Bm  B7  Em  Bm C                       Bm Satu kata yang pernah terucap        Am                 Em Kau tanggalkan cinta kita C                Bm Tak tersirat di benakku        Am              G Kau redupkan suasana cinta Am                   ...

Siti Nurhaliza � Percayalah

Dok: C                          Em Suasana sepi begini                                   F Panahan rindu menusuk hati                 G                  C   G Tak mungkin kau sedari       C                          Em Lantas ku titip puisi kasih        ...

Pengertian Akhlak, Etika, Moral, dan Tasawuf Secara Bahasa dan Terminologi

Pengertian Secara Bahasa Secara Terminologi Akhlak Bentuk jamak dari khuluq yang berarti budi pekerti, perangai, tingkah laku atau tabiat. Akhlaq bukan saja merupakan tata aturan/norma perilaku yang mengatur hubungan sesame manusia, tetapi juga norma yang mengatur hubungan antara manusia dengan Tuhan & bahkan dengan alam semesta sekalipun. Sifat yang tertanam dalam jiwa yang menimbulkan perbuatan-perbuatan dengan mudah tanpa memerlukan pemikiran dan pertimbangan. Etika Berasal dari bahasas Yunani Kuno, yaitu � ethos � (bentuk tunggal) dan � ta etha � (bentuk jamak). Ethos mempunyai arti tempat tinggal yang biasa, kebiasaan/adat, watak, cara berpikir. Sedangkan ta etha mempunyai arti adat kebiasaaan. Etika memiliki 3 posisi, yakni etika sebagai sistem nilai, kode etik, dan filsafat moral. Sistem nilai : etika berarti nilai-nilai & norma-norma moral yang menjadi pegangan bagi seorang kelompok dalam mengatur tingkah lakunya. Kode etik : eti...

Add Your Blog To Search Engines :Yahoo,Bing,Ask

When you create a blog or site will be published on the Google search engine and when it is archived Google end up for thee. Located in this mistake a lot of us, no one thinks publishing his blog on the rest of other search engine and I mean  ( Bing ,   Yahoo ,   Ask) , Despite that Google controls 60% of the users of search  engine, but 40% of other not mocking them are in the millions of users also have these sites people saved her and do not use other, do not you think me that loss of wasting all those potential visitors? I'll show you how easy and uncomplicated to add a map to your website or blog to these sites.As I said we will create a XML sitemap and we send them to these engines are indexing your blog and archived to become you there. We will divide it in 3 stages to complete the task: 1- Create XML sitemap : and for this purpose there are several sites to choose this site Enter your link and do not change anything in the ...